Newcastle Recording Booths

Located in B.03

General Information

In each booth there is a remote control:

  • Booth ventilation is controlled by pressing the buttons ON/OFF for Level 1

  • Booth lighting is controlled by pressing the buttons ON/OFF for Level 2

  • There do not seem to be wireless receivers for Level 3 buttons

Booth 1 (large)

Our large sound-proof recording booth is 3m × 3m and is set up to do recordings with multiple people inside the booth. This is be particularly useful for Ultrasound Tongue Imaging and other articulatory recordings, high-quality acoustic phonetic recording with clinical populations, and in-person interactive dyads.

Booths 2 & 3

Our two small sound-attenuated recording booths are each 1.2m × 1.5m. They are set up for a number of exciting possibilities. Each isolation booth can record data from a participant independently or in a joint task. The booths can be linked up for simultaneous interaction between them, and for separate and independent use. The booths are be available for acoustic recording and also for listening tasks, as well as tasks that would benefit from the participant being isolated in a distraction-free environment.

Last updated