
Self-Paced Reading (SPR) software

Linger is a small, lightweight piece of software that is designed to present sentences word-by-word to participants. It records reaction times, key presses, and result accuracy on questions such as Likert scales and yes-no questions, for example. It has been widely used in sentence processing research for nearly two decades and is still state-of-the-art in many ways, despite not being supported or developed by the original team anymore.

Therefore, Linger3 is a slightly updated version created by Lauren Ackerman with the original team's permission. It updates the way reaction times are recorded in order to accommodate the way newer computers track time internally. There are also some features in development. However, this is a side project that is not well-supported, so these new features will be slow to roll out. For more information, contact the Lab Manager.

Documentation and access

Please find the current version here:

Documentation for this software is available through the GitHub page as well as at the official Linger page (now possibly defunct).

Last updated