Useful settings

Suggestions for tweaking output.script for optimal settings

Make gaze target a reasonable size

The display computer's monitor may need to be adjusted for presentation accuracy.

  • Original screen resolution: 1920 × 1080 (maximum size)

  • Experimental screen resolution: 1280 × 800

To make the text legible, but not so big that you require multiple lines for reasonable length sentences, the following settings can be used. At these settings, there are 99 characters across the screen.

  • Trials:

    • Reading: 16 25 50 200

    • Question: 16 50 70 350

    • Message: 16 25 50 50

It seems that the text size can only be certain numbers, though. (e.g., 12, 14, 16)

  1. The first number in each of the settings is the text size.

  2. The second number might the distance to the left edge of the screen in pixels.

  3. The third number might be the line height of each line of text.

  4. The fourth number might be the distance to the top edge of the screen in pixels.

Sample output.script code

  • text_format = Font and position settings

  • button = Response button mappings

  • trigger = What initiates a new trial

  • Note: trial P1I1D2 has a setting for which button press is expected ('correct'), whereas trial P1I1D4 has four buttons listed (any of the righthand Gravis Destroyer buttons).

trial_type Reading
  text_format =    'Courier' 16 25 50 200 nonantialiased
  button =         purple
  button =         green
  button =         yellow
  button =         blue
  button =         red
  output =         stream
  trigger =        gaze
  cursor_size =    0
  dc_delay =       0
  stimulus_delay = 0
  revert =         0
end Reading

trial_type Question
  text_format =    'Courier' 16 50 70 350 nonantialiased
  button =         purple
  button =         green
  button =         yellow
  button =         blue
  button =         red
  output =         nostream
  trigger =        nogaze
  cursor_size =    0
  dc_delay =       0
  stimulus_delay = 0
  revert =         0
end Question

trial_type Message
  text_format =    'Courier' 16 25 50 50 nonantialiased
  button =         purple
  button =         green
  button =         yellow
  button =         blue
  button =         red
  output =         nostream
  trigger =        nogaze
  cursor_size =    0
  dc_delay =       0
  stimulus_delay = 0
  revert =         0
end Message

trial P1I1D0
  gc_rect =          (0 0 0 0)
  inline =           |In the following experiment, you will be asked to read a series of \nsentences. Some of the sentences will be followed by a comprehension \nquestion about the sentence. When you have finished reading each sentence, \npress the PURPLE (left) or RED (right) button on the control pad to advance to the question.\nTo answer a question, press the PURPLE/left button to indicate a 'yes' response and \nthe RED/right button to indicate a 'no' response.  Before viewing each sentence, you \nwill be asked to fixate on a box that will appear on the left side of the screen.\nUpon fixation, the sentence screen will automatically advance.\n\nPlease press RED or PURPLE button to begin a practice session.
  max_display_time = 3000000
  trial_type =       Message
end P1I1D0

trial P1I1D1
  gc_rect =          (0 0 0 0)
  inline =           |This is an example sentence that demonstrates what this experiment will look like. It is\n split over two lines of text.
  max_display_time = 60000
  trial_type =       Reading
end P1I1D1

trial P1I1D2
  button = 			 purple
  gc_rect =          (0 0 0 0)
  inline =           |Answer "yes" to this question.\nYes                                                                    No
  max_display_time = 60000
  trial_type =       Question
end P1I1D2

trial P1I1D3
  gc_rect =          (0 0 0 0)
  inline =           |Some sentences will be difficult to understand, so make sure you read carefully.
  max_display_time = 60000
  trial_type =       Reading
end P1I1D3

trial P1I1D4
  button =         green
  button =         yellow
  button =         blue
  button =         red
  gc_rect =          (0 0 0 0)
  inline =           |Answer "no" to this question.\nYes                                                                    No
  max_display_time = 60000
  trial_type =       Question
end P1I1D4

trial P1I1D5
  gc_rect =          (0 0 0 0)
  inline =           |END PRACTICE SESSION\n\nIf you need a break during the experiment (if your\neyes get tired, for example), let the\nexperimenter know. Do you have any questions?\nIf not, press the RED or PURPLE button to start the experiment.
max_display_time = 3000000
  trial_type =       Message
end P1I1D5

sequence SP1I1
end SP1I1

Last updated